

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/21)

2024年06月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32481.nuanced(微妙な)a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, colour, meaning etc → subtlety 
It seems we need a nuanced approach for each region to maximize our success. 
32482.from my understanding(私の理解では) 
From my understanding, the training will be conducted online 
32483.now and again(時折、たまには )sometimes, but not often or regularly 
 Try to stay positive. Everyone loses a match now and again.
32484.distracted  (気が散って )anxious and unable to think clearly 
 You seem distracted. Is there something on your mind.  
32485.go sour (うまくいかなくなる、駄目になる)
But that dream went sour.

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/20)

2024年06月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
32476.hold it(我慢できる、動かないで!、じっとして!、ちょっと待って!) 
I don't hold it, It's an emergency. 
32477.deep breath(深呼吸 )
OK. Just take a deep breath and relax just use this bag if you throe up . You'r e gonna be OK 
32478.needless to say(言うまでもなく )used when you are telling someone something that they probably know or expect 
 Needless to say,attention to detail is essential in quality control. 
32479.robust  (強固な)a robust system, organization etc is strong and not likely to have problems 
 The digital landscape is robust ,so online  sales have a significant impact  
32480.upscale (高級な)relating to people from a high social class who have a lot of money 類義語 upmarket British English 
We might want to explore partnership with local upscale retailers, hotel,and restaurants. 


2024年06月19日 | 爺英語

Visitors to a riverside garden near Tokyo enjoyed an old-fashioned wedding ceremony procession on a boat amid irises in full bloom. The Suigo Itako Iris Festival is being held in Itako City in Ibaraki Prefecture. The revived tradition has become a highlight of the annual festival. On Saturday, a boat carrying a bride set out as visitors watching from the riverside applauded. The area is surrounded by lakes and rivers where boats were once used as a daily form of transportation. Until the 1960s, brides in white wedding kimonos could be seen in rowboats heading to meet their bridegrooms.
(Visitor) “The ceremony was so beautiful. I was moved to tears.”
(Miyamoto Michiko / Bride) “It was a valuable experience that so many people congratulated us. It was a very happy day.”

procession 行列、行進   
highlight 呼び物、目玉   
be moved to tears by ~に感動して涙が出る

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/19)

2024年06月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
32471.get split up(はぐれる) to divide people into different groups, or to be divided into groups 
If we get split up, let's meet up here at four
32472.get dark(暗くなる ) if someone tells you something, they communicate information, a story, their feelings etc to you  
Let's go home before it gets dark.
32473.Are you gonna be OK?(大丈夫そうですか)
 Are you gonna be OK?. 
32474.bio break  (トイレ休憩 )American English informal a period of time when you stop working in order to go to the toilet 
 Would you like to take a bio break at this rest stop?  
32475.potty (おまる)a container used by very young children as a toilet 
Do you need to go potty

土佐日記 1)男もすなる日記といふものを、……

2024年06月18日 | 土佐日記




Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/18)

2024年06月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
32466.daydream (空想にふける )to think about something pleasant, especially when this makes you forget what you should be doing 
He is always daydreaming in class.  
32467.in retrospect  ((過去のことを)思い返してみると/今になって思えば  )thinking back to a time in the past, especially with the advantage of knowing more now than you did then 
In retrospect, I should've studied harder in high school. 
32468.looking back((過去のことを)思い返してみると/今になって思えば  )to think about something that happened in the past 
 Looking back, those were the best times. 
32469.plays out(展開する  )if an event or situation is played out or plays itself out, it happens 
 Before we make a decision, let's see how this situation plays out
32470.bright  (賢い)intelligent and able to learn things quickly 
Our new employee is bright. She catches on quickly. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/17)

2024年06月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
32461.at the end of the day(結局のところ、最終的に )spoken used to give your final opinion after considering all the possibilities
At the end of the day it’s your decision. It’s up to you. 
32462.time frame (期間 )the period of time during which you expect or agree that something will happen or be done 
We were on a tight schedule. We couldn’t visit all the cities we wanted to within that time frame
32463.draw back (引き返す )
 The snake popped out of nowhere and I drew back in surprise . 
32464.out of it  ((集中できずに)ぼーっとする ) unable to think clearly because you are tired or drunk, or have taken drugs 
Sorry I'm a little out of it today. I pulled an all-nighter last night. 
32465.space out  ((人の話しを聞かずに)ボーッとする )
Oh sorry, I was spacing out. What did you say? 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/16)

2024年06月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
32456.teach((知識や技術を)教える)to give lessons in a school, college, or university, or to help someone learn about something by giving them information 
I taught my son how to ride a bicycle. 
32457.tell((情報を)教える ) if someone tells you something, they communicate information, a story, their feelings etc to you  
Can you tell me how to get to Shinjyuku Station? 
32458.show((見せて)教える )to provide facts or information that make it clear that something is true, that something exists, or that something has happened 
 Let me show you how to use this. 
32459.place an order for/to  (〜を注文する・発注する / 〜を取り寄せる )extremely excited or nervous about something 
 Can I place an order for pick up?  
32460.put ~ on hold (〜を取り置きする)
Can you put it on hold? I will come and pick it up today. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/15)

2024年06月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
32451.classic  (最高傑作 / 不朽の名作 )admired by many people, and having a value that has continued for a long time 
I think “Sazaesan” is a classic Japanese manga. 
32452.classic (典型的な〜 )having all the features that are typical or expected of a particular thing or situation 
It sounds like you have classic symptoms of the flu. You should go see a doctor. 
32453.classic(最高だ! )of excellent quality 
 My friend thought the wasabi was Maccha ice cream and ate the whole thing. It was classic! 
32454.classical(古典の )extremely excited or nervous about something 
 I’m not really into classical music. 
32455.mean(意地悪 )cruel or not kind 
My boss is rude and mean. I can't stand him.  

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/14)

2024年06月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32446.profit-driven (利益重視の)someone’s character, especially the way they behave towards other people 
Can a company survive even if it isn't profit-driven.
32447.able (~することが出来る、有能な)clever or good at doing something 
Sorry, but I won't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow. 
32448.reverse(逆、反対)to change something, such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before 
 Can you say alphabet in reverse?
32449.backfire(裏目に出る)extremely excited or nervous about something 
 Maiko tried to sneak out of the house, but her plan backfired. 
32450.power plant (発電所)happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has happened or will happen 
How much electricity does this power plant generate?

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/13)

2024年06月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
32441.stay friends with (友達関係を続ける)
Now, we broke up, but I want to stay friends with you.
32442.night owl (夜更かしの人)someone who enjoys staying awake all night  
The midnight hours are when night owl like me work best. 
32443.market-driven(市場重視の、市場主導の)market-driven activities, products, developments etc are a result of public demand for a particular product, service, or skill 
 Entertainment is a market-driven industry. 
32444.gas-driven(ガソリン駆動の)extremely excited or nervous about something 
 Gas-driven cars might eventually be a thing of the past. 
32445.technology-drivrn  (テクノロジー主導の  )happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has happened or will happen 
Computer literacy is essential in today's technology-driven economy..