32871.pull off(困難なことを成功させる、、見事に成し遂げる)to succeed in doing something difficult
I never thought we'd win the championship, but we pulled it off.
32872.candy(あめ、砂糖菓子)a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate
I never thought we'd win the championship, but we pulled it off.
32872.candy(あめ、砂糖菓子)a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate
My kids ate so much candy on Halloween that they felt the next morning.
32873.sugary(砂糖がたくさん入って甘い、甘ったるい) containing sugar, or tasting like sugar
My doctor told me to stay away from sugary foods for a while..
32874.icing(アイシング、薄くて硬い氷のよう) a mixture made from very fine light sugar and liquid, used to cover cakes 類義語 frosting
When I was a kid, i always licked the icing off my birthday cake first.
32875.stock up(蓄える、ため込む) to buy a lot of something in order to keep it for when you need to use it later
When I was a kid, i always licked the icing off my birthday cake first.
32875.stock up(蓄える、ため込む) to buy a lot of something in order to keep it for when you need to use it later
It's a good idea to stock up on bottled water.