I was quite amused by that great example of Japanese reserve.
20482.dangerous distraction(気を散らす危険なもの)
Talking on the phone while you're walking can be a dangerous distraction.
20483.field of vision(視野)
A smartphone user's field of vision is apparently only five percent of that of a normal pedestrian.
Mishap involving smombies are much more common.
Here's another frightenig factoid for you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
I was quite amused by that great example of Japanese reserve.
20482.dangerous distraction(気を散らす危険なもの)
Talking on the phone while you're walking can be a dangerous distraction.
20483.field of vision(視野)
A smartphone user's field of vision is apparently only five percent of that of a normal pedestrian.
Mishap involving smombies are much more common.
Here's another frightenig factoid for you.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News