

Daily Vocabulary(2023/03/29)

2023年03月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
30241.endangered species(絶滅危惧種 )an endangered animal, bird etc is one that may soon no longer exist because there are so few of them 
The chimpanzee is endangered species. . 
30242.hold back (留年する)
You’d better get your act together. You’re going to get held back again. 
30243.middle-schooler  (中学生 )
I hear that most middle schoolers have smartphones these days. 
30244.say again  (もう一度言ってくれる? )
Say again? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you because of the noise in the back. 
30245.running start (有利なスタートを切る )
I was in a running start program and took college classes when I was a senior. 

