I came here to fulfill a mission.
7222.by contrast(それに反して、〔~である〕一方、対照的に)
By contrast, Mr. Olmert is a former mayor of Jerusalem with no military credentials.
7223.direct report (直属の部下)
Coaching is the most important rile of any manager with direct reports.
I'm not a rational person but more intuitive.
7225.central reason(主な[主たる]理由[原因])
The central reason to coach is to develop your surbodinates so your department can acheive maximum effectiveness.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
I came here to fulfill a mission.
7222.by contrast(それに反して、〔~である〕一方、対照的に)
By contrast, Mr. Olmert is a former mayor of Jerusalem with no military credentials.
7223.direct report (直属の部下)
Coaching is the most important rile of any manager with direct reports.
I'm not a rational person but more intuitive.
7225.central reason(主な[主たる]理由[原因])
The central reason to coach is to develop your surbodinates so your department can acheive maximum effectiveness.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News