

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/09)

2024年08月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
32726.biannual (年 2 回の、半年ごとの )to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exercise 類義語 perspire 
During the biannual performance review meeting, we discuss their expectations and future career aspirations.
32727.cross-cultural(異文化)belonging to or involving two or more different societies, countries, or cultures → multicultural 
We conduct regular cross-cultural training for them. 
32728.loyalty(忠誠心)the quality of remaining faithful to your friends, principles, country etc 
 He mentioned that in Japan, loyalty can be a spiritual connection
32729.royal  (国王の、王室の、国王から出た、国王の保護のある、王権の下にある、王立の、王者らしい、王にふさわしい、気高い、高貴な )relating to or belonging to a king or queen 
 There is no royal road to learning. 
32730.pivotal (枢軸の(ような)、中枢の、重要な )more important than anything else in a situation, system etc 類義語 key 
It is important to be given a pivotal part to play in the company's success. 

