

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/01)

2022年03月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
28286.ridiculous(馬鹿げた・おかしな)very silly or unreasonable
Are you out of your mind? You're being ridiculous
28287.Can I leave my bag here?(荷物を預かってもらえますか?)
I have to go to the bathroom. Can I leave my bag with you?
28288.Hit the nail on the head(まさにその通り)informal used to say that what someone has said is exactly right
I totally agree with you. You hit the nail on the head.  
28289.pull off(成功する) informal to succeed in doing something difficult 
It took a long time, but we were able to somehow pull off a deal with Disney.
28290.pass down(〜を伝える)to give or teach something to people who are younger than you or live after you
This is a family tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.

