

Daily Vocabulary(2024/08/10)

2024年08月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
32731.blossom (比ゆ的に人が成長する、魅力的になる)to become happier, more beautiful, more successful etc 
She blossomed into a lovely young woman. 
32732.cranky(気難しい)nformal strange → eccentric, weird /bad-tempered 
He can be a little cranky in the morning. It's nothing personal.
32733.come apart(ばらばらになる)to split or fall into pieces 
 The strap is coming apart.
32734.surrounding (周囲の、付近の) near or around a particular place 類義語 nearby 
 From here, you can get an incredible view of the surrounding mountains.
32735.enclose(取り囲む、包み込む、同封する) to put something inside an envelope as well as a letter /to surround something, especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate 
My sister hates being enclosed in tight spaces. 

