10571.job climate(雇用情勢)
A lot of people are ynder that kind pressure in today's uncertain job climate.
10572.come out and say(はっきり言う)
The high-tech companies they work for don't actually come out and say they have to be connected all the time.
10573.recharge one's batteries(リフレッシュする、充電する)
We all need some downtime to recharge our batteries.
10574.unspoken rule(暗黙のルール)
It is an unspoken rule.
What I find ironic about all this that technology is supposed to make life easier for us.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
四国八十八ヶ所 第四十九番西林山浄土寺/愛媛県松山市(2010/09/05)
A lot of people are ynder that kind pressure in today's uncertain job climate.
10572.come out and say(はっきり言う)
The high-tech companies they work for don't actually come out and say they have to be connected all the time.
10573.recharge one's batteries(リフレッシュする、充電する)
We all need some downtime to recharge our batteries.
10574.unspoken rule(暗黙のルール)
It is an unspoken rule.
What I find ironic about all this that technology is supposed to make life easier for us.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
四国八十八ヶ所 第四十九番西林山浄土寺/愛媛県松山市(2010/09/05)