

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/22)

2023年01月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
29916.nebulous nan idea that is nebulous is not at all clear or exact 類義語 vague / a shape that is nebulous is unclear and has no definite edges 
I have a nebulous idea about what I want to do after I graduate college. 
29917.frankly   (雰囲気などが漂っている、空中に、漂って、広まって)  used to show that you are saying what you really think about something/honestly and directly 
Yeah, I just got the email right now. Frankly, I'm glad it got canceled. 
29918.tally up  (計算する  )a record of how much you have spent, won etc by a particular point in time 
When you get a chance, can you tally up the number of people that signed up for the event? 
29919.let go   (手放す )to stop holding something or someone/to accept that you cannot change something and stop thinking or worrying about it 
I have a hard time letting go of my past mistakes. 
29920.verbalize to express something in words 類義語 articulate 
It was difficult to verbalize his lifetime of frustrations.