

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/06)

2023年01月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
29836.sugar and spice you mean that that person is behaving in a kind and friendly way: 
Her daughter is sugar and spice.
29837.tough cookie (扱うのが難しい人;簡単には傷つかない人;面倒臭い人;自分の意志がしっかりしている人 )    informal someone who is clever and successful, and knows how to get what they want 
Mr Kinnock is clearly a tough cookie. 
29838.leave out((…を)省く、除外する、(…を)無視する、忘れる  )to not include someone or something/to feel that you are not accepted or welcome in a situation 
Kidd has been left out of the team. 
29839.infantile  (幼児のような、子供らしい、子供じみた、幼稚な、幼児(期)の、子供の ) infantile behaviour seems silly in an adult because it is typical of a child 類義語 childish 
The word which he speaks is infantile
29840.throw someone off   (狂わせる / 気が散る )a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface 
That fire alarm threw me off. Can I redo my speech?