

Daily Vocabulary(2020/08/09)

2020年08月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
25771.take a liking to(~を好きになる)
Yeah, I used to hate cilantro but I've taken a liking to it lately. 
25772.snob(俗物、(自分の愛好する学芸・趣味などを至上のものと考え鼻にかける)えせインテリ、通ぶる人)someone who thinks they are better than other people because they know more about something – used to show disapproval 
All of my classmates were snobs. I couldn't stand it
25773.easygoing(お気楽な・のんきな・おおらかな)not easily upset, annoyed, or worried 
Yeah, he's friendly and easygoing. He gets along with everyone.  
25774.start off(始める) to begin something in a particular way, or to begin in a particular way 
Let’s start off by introducing each other.
25775.model after (~をモデルにする) extremely tired   
My business is modeled after my parents’ English school.  

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