


2017年11月16日 | 爺英語

Kurdish-led forces in Syria say they've taken control of the northern city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Islamic State militant group.
The spokesperson for the Syrian Democratic Forces confirmed they have seized the entire city in a telephone interview Tuesday with NHK. The forces launched a full offensive against Raqqa in June with the support of the U.S.-led coalition.
Islamic State militants seized the Syrian city in 2014. The group once controlled vast areas that straddle Iraq and Syria, but they have lost ground due to attacks by the Iraqi and Syrian militaries, the U.S.-led coalition, and Russian forces. In July, the militants lost Mosul, their key stronghold in Iraq.
The whereabouts and fate of the group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, are unknown. There were reports in the past he was killed or injured in an attack, but those reports have not been confirmed. Under al-Baghdadi's leadership, the group has been using the Internet to spread its ideology and call for terrorist attacks against other nations.
de facto 事実上の
seize 奪取する
coalition 連合(軍)
straddle またがる
lose ground 形勢が不利になる
stronghold 牙城、本拠地
whereabouts 行方、所在

Daily Vocabulary(2017/11/16)

2017年11月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
20736.dark glasses(サングラス)
Celebrity wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
20737.be on par with(同等である)
Their memory and attention were said to be on par with those of healthy, active 25-years-olds.
20738.be on fire(調子がいい)
I am on fire today. I got everything and we're on time.
Most people don't start worrying about age-related cognitive decline before middle age.
The brain is very resilient.

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