

Daily Vocabulary(2010/09/22)

2010年09月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
9971.see fit(適当と思う)
If I see fit, I will hire new staff.
9972.see eye to eye(見解、意見が完全に一致する)
Now that we see eye to eye, we can move on with our project.
9973.see red(怒りがこみ上げる)
Whenever I observe people wasting paper, I see red.
9974.see the sights(名所を見物する)
I hope your family is able to see the sights while you're in town.
9975.see to it that(~するよう取り計らう、~するよう気をつける)
See to it that they are properly fed.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

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