東久留米 学習塾 塾長ブログ

東京都東久留米市滝山の個別指導型学習塾 塾長白井精一郎のブログ

busy のはなし

2020-12-31 09:56:23 | 英語の話

中2教科書の「感想」に関する Word Bank に、

この busyロングマン英英辞典 で引いてみると、その 類義語句 について、
 if you are busy, you have a lot of things you need to do

 Sorry I haven’t called you, but I’ve been really busy

rushed / run off your feet
(BrE spoken) very busy and in a hurry, because you have too many things to do

 We’ve been absolutely rushed off our feet getting ready for our son’s birthday party.

snowed under
 so busy that you can hardly deal with all the work you have to do

 I can’t stop for lunch today-I’m completely snowed under.

up to your ears / neck in sth
(informal) extremely busy because you have a lot of work to deal with

 Teachers say they are up to their ears in paperwork and don’t have enough time for teaching.

tied up
 busy in your job, so that you cannot do anything else

 I’m sorry, but he’s tied up at the moment. Could you call back later?

have a lot to do
(especially spoken) to have to do a lot of things, so that you need to hurry or work hard

 Let’s get started-we have a lot to do.

have a lot on(BrE)
 have a lot going on(AmE)

(spoken) to be busy, especially because you have arranged to do a lot of things during a particular period

 I’ve got a lot on this weekend.




