長尾景虎 上杉奇兵隊記「草莽崛起」<彼を知り己を知れば百戦して殆うからず>


核兵器廃絶と広島・長崎の原爆被害の悲惨さと(The abolition of nuclear weapons. No more Hiroshima and Nagasaki)

2024年03月23日 19時58分59秒 | 日記


 これから一度でも核戦争にでもなれば、この世界というより、この地球はおわりになってしまう。使ったらおわりだから、〝抑止力〟? そんなものはそもそも不要な兵器なのだ。
 ノーモア・ヒロシマ! ノーモア・ナガサキ! あのきのこ雲の下でどれだけ大勢の女性や老人や子供が地獄にのたうち回りながら死んでいったのか?
〝戦争を早期に終わらせる為に原爆は必要であった〟――――そのセリフを広島の原爆資料館を見た後にも言えるだろうか? それとも黄色い日本人が被害者だから関係ない、とでもいうのか? もう核兵器はいらない。必要ない。核兵器はなくさねばならない。

The abolition of nuclear weapons and the misery of the atomic bomb damage in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (from "New Order")

Almost 80 years have passed since the tragic defeat in the Pacific War.After the war, production began again. And people dreamed of a happy world again. However, although this may be superficially true, the tragedy of the atomic bombings and nuclear weapons in Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki during that war is still being talked about to this day.
However, the world had forgotten that grave tragedy. In the fall of my high school year, I visited the Atomic Bomb Museum in Hiroshima. It was certainly a tragedy, and I was shocked and shaken with anger at the extent of the damage.
Hiroshima at 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki at 11:02 a.m. on August 9, 1945 --- On that day, the atomic bomb and nuclear weapons exploded over the heads of the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It exploded, and in an instant, all non-combatants, including women, old people, and children, were slaughtered.
This fact is a historical fact that the Japanese people --- no, the citizens of the world -- must never forget.
In fact, the cities where atomic bombs and nuclear weapons were dropped were not only Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also Niigata, Kyoto Prefecture, and Kokura in Kitakyushu. However, on that day, clouds were gathering, so sunny Hiroshima and Nagasaki were chosen to drop the atomic bombs.
Previously, there was a biographical American Hollywood movie called ``Oppenheimer'', but unfortunately there was no scene that considered the 300,000 innocent people killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Furthermore, after the atomic bomb was dropped, the number of deaths increased further due to burns and after-effects caused by radiation.
I wasn't born at that time, but the victims and their children were over 70 years old, so I can't help but wonder how painful it must have been for them.
There were also people who inherited the history as storytellers. The reason why I say ``I was there'' in the past tense is because those people were also aging and passing away one after another. Nowadays, high school students and others are working hard as disciples of storytellers, even though they are young. Soon, all those who have experienced war will become people of the other world. However, this cannot mean that the inheritance of the history of war will cease to exist.
We will appeal to the misery of atomic bombs and nuclear weapons. I think that momentum to eliminate nuclear weapons is what is important. Of course, eliminating nuclear weapons from the world is not an easy task.
If things continue as they are now, the world will never be rid of nuclear weapons.
The United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, India, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea... even if such countries appeal for the abolition of nuclear weapons, all they end up with is gnashing their teeth.
However, we cannot afford to give up. Nuclear weapons are like smartphones. Once something is invented and developed, it cannot be eliminated. It may be impossible to eliminate all atomic bombs and nuclear weapons. But what is the point of giving up everything and standing still?
We are not that smart, so even though we may be able to reduce nuclear weapons, we cannot eliminate them. This is frustrating. However, we cannot afford to give up.
I believe.
One day, the world will be free of nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction, and the citizens of the world will join hands.
I believe.
I hope that someday the world will dream of a world without nuclear weapons.
I believe.
I hope that all people in the world will realize and be afraid of the devastation caused by nuclear weapons.
I believe.
We hope that all people in the world will realize that nuclear weapons are unnecessary and work to reduce them.
It is true that eliminating all nuclear weapons from this world...reducing them to zero is not an easy task. But now I have to call it an end. We don't need nuclear weapons anymore.
If even one nuclear war were to occur from now on, this world, or even this earth, would be over. Once you use it, it's over, so it's a "deterrent"? That kind of thing is an unnecessary weapon in the first place.
I want people to use their minds and hearts a little more and make efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons.
The damage caused by Hiroshima and Nagasaki must never be repeated in any other country.
No more Hiroshima! No more Nagasaki! How many women, old people, and children died while writhing in hell under that mushroom cloud?
I would like you to think about that.
``The atomic bomb was necessary to bring the war to an early end.'' Can you say that line after visiting the Atomic Bomb Museum in Hiroshima? Or are you saying that it doesn't matter because the yellow Japanese people are the victims? We don't need nuclear weapons anymore. unnecessary. Nuclear weapons must be eliminated.
I want them to come to Hiroshima and Nagasaki first. I would like you to visit the Atomic Bomb Museums in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I want people to know the tragedy of the atomic bomb damage. The story comes after that. First, let's pray to God for everlasting peace.
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