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2024-06-11 | ブログ







2024-06-07 | ブログ

Exercises 7

1. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 家のほこりが私のアレルギー(症状)と,何か関係があるのかもしれない.
Housedust (something, with, do, have, to, my allergies, may).
2) 食べ物は記憶力と何か関係があるのだろうか.
Does food (to, our memory, with, have, anything, do)?
*3) 彼女は不幸にもインフルエンザにかかった.
She (to, with, the misfortune, be infected, influenza, had).

2. 日本語に合うように次の各文を完成しなさい.
1) それは彼女の成功とほとんど関係がない.
It ___________________________________________________ her success.
2) 子どもたちはその火事には何の関係もなかった.
The children ____________________________________________________ .
3) 地球温暖化は温室効果ガスとおおいに関係がある.
Global warming _________________________ the greenhouse effect gas.
*4) 彼は親切にも私のかばんを運んでくれた.
He _______________________________________________________________.

Valentine's Day, February 14, is the feast day of St. Valentine. But the saint's life seems to have had nothing to do with the present custom of sending valentines. Perhaps the custom goes back to ancient Rome, where young men and women exchanged greeting cards on February 14 in honor of gods and goddesses.


文章13 新しい学説は、どのように起こるのか? 広島大学



Sentence 13 How does the new theory arise?  Hiroshima University

The earth revolves around the sun. But what would you think if you were told that the sun really revolves around the earth? Would you answer that such a thing is absurd, impossible? Or do you think it might be true? In fact, about 400 years ago, the opposite happened. The astronomer Copernicus proposed the heliocentric theory that the earth revolves around the sun. Until then, the Ptolemaic theory systematized by Ptolemy around the 2nd century (around the 2nd century) was the dominant view of the world officially recognized by the Catholic Church, and ordinary people believed that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the earth. I believed. At the time the heliocentric theory was announced, the power of the church was so strong that Bruno, who supported the heliocentric theory, was executed. On the other hand, various discoveries by Galileo Galilei and Kepler in the early 17th century proved that the earth, which until then was believed to be stationary, actually revolves around the sun. Such a situation in which even the way of thinking of the world itself changes 180 degrees is called a [paradigm shift].

Another theory that has brought about such a paradigm shift is the theory of evolution. In particular, the idea of evolution in Darwin's Origin of Species, published in the middle of the nineteenth century, caused a great response because it also referred to the origin of mankind. In contrast to Christian doctrine up until then, where God was said to have created human beings in the image of God, Darwin's theory explains other [organic] bodies and human beings with the same concept of evolution. because it was Although there are still some Christians who deny evolution, Darwin's theory has been revised and developed by the next generation of scientists and is now recognized as the dominant idea. It can be said that the shift in paradigm brought about by the Scientific Revolution heralded the coming of an era of universal science.




2024-06-01 | ブログ


Exercises 14

1. 次の各文の不定詞の用法は ①感情の原因 ②判断の根拠・理由 ③結果 ④形容詞の修飾のうち,どれを表すか答えなさい.
1) She was sad to hear about his death.
2) I'm sorry to hear that he cannot go with us.
*3) His telephone number is easy to remember.
*4) My grandfather lived to be ninety-nine.
*5) They must be rich to own two cars.
*6) He got up early, only to find out it was a holiday.

2. 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい.
1) 僕のプレゼントを気に入ってもらえてうれしいです.
I'm (you, to, know, my present, liked, that, glad).
*2) エレベーターを「リフト」と言うとは彼女は英国人に違いない.
She (“a lift”, an elevator, be, call, to, must, British).
*3) コンタクトレンズは,落とすと見つけにくい.
When you drop a contact lens, (to, is, hard, find, it).
*4) そんなおかしなことをするなんて,ブラウン氏は賢いはずがない.
Mr. Brown (wise, cannot, do, such a crazy thing, be, to).

3. イギリス英語に驚く外国人学習者
When foreign learners of English first come to the British Isles, they are usually surprised to discover how little they understand of the English they hear. For one thing, people seem to speak faster than they expected. For another, the English that most people speak seems to be different in many ways from the English they have learned.


文章5 理性で説明できないものとは? 同志社大学



Sentence 5 What is it that cannot be explained by reason?  Doshisha University

[Modernization] was accompanied by major changes in various areas. Democracy was established, and the invention of revolutionary technology changed the way people worked and lived, as well as the economic system. In addition, the human beings who make up modern society are thought to have reason and rational judgment, and "modern rationalism" was born out of this. This doctrine is greatly influenced by various modern sciences. For example, with the advent of Galileo and Descartes, who established modern science, everything in the natural world surrounding human beings was considered to be measurable numerically. For people in the Middle Ages, the world was a mixture of ordinary spaces in which people lived and extraordinary spaces such as sacred places. But under the modern worldview, medieval space was divided and made measurable. In addition, the production and spread of mechanical clocks has created a uniform and measurable time in every region of the world, resulting in the loss of the medieval sense of time that was integrated with the rhythm of nature. In this way, human reason and rationality, which modern times respected, brought about [homogenization of time and space] in the world, and even the idea that humans have the power to control nature and the world was born. Modern rationalism pursued universal truths for all peoples of the world through the power of human reason and intellect, and tried to illuminate the world with the light of truth.

However, humans are also beings with emotions and psychology that cannot be measured by reason alone. For example, the unconscious realm deep within consciousness plays an important role in our mental life. There is no doubt that human beings exist in the coexistence of the rational and the irrational, and being aware of this fact leads to doubting the obviousness of things and developing new ideas. deaf.