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鬼滅の刃で覚える英語 340 「俺は応えなければ」『刀鍛冶の里』より その 49

2024-01-20 22:29:26 | 英語
鬼滅の刃で覚える英語 340 「俺は応えなければ」『刀鍛冶の里』より その 49

炭治郎「強くなったと思っても 鬼はまたさらに強く 生身の体は傷を負い ボロボロになり」
❤️ (私が考える英訳) Even though I think I became stronger , the demons get much stronger... We're just human so we got badly injured. ←『ボロボロ』 we're tired out とかでも
💙(英語のコミックの訳) I get stronger, but do the demons ... and I get beaten up and injured.

「てもその度に誰かが助けてくれる 命を繋いてくれる」
❤️ However , anytime I was always helped by someone. They saved me.
💙 But each time , somebody helps me and saves my life.

❤️ I've gotta do respond their help.
💙 I have to pay that back.←oay back は『借りをか返す』 イメージ 私はここは 『(期待に)応える』感じかと思った

「俺に力を貸してくれるみんなの願いは 想いはひとつだけだ 鬼を倒すこと 人の命を守ること」
❤️ Their hope is only one : we want to slay demons and let human alive.
💙 The hopes of everyone who has lfnt their strength to me ... are one. Defeat demons and protect innocent people.

❤️ I need to respond to that demand. ← demand 『要請』または 『期待』 expectations とかでも?
💙 That's what I must do too.

鬼「小細工したところで儂には勝てぬ 斬られたとて 痛くも痒くもないわ」
❤️ Such a cheap trick won't work on us. Even if you cut us , it doesn't hurt at all.
💙 Your cheap trucks can't beat me. It doesn't hurt if you cut me. It doesn't even itch.←itch 『痒い』

❤️ A burning sword ... it's the memory of Master Muzan. ← sword の代わりに katana でも
💙 A burning blade... bright red .. based in Lord Muzan's memory

「無惨様を追い詰め その頸を斬りかけた剣士の刀」
❤️ It's the swordman's katana , who chased down Master Muzan and almost succeeded to cut his head...
💙 That blade belonged to the swordsman... who almost cut off Lord Muzan's head.

❤️ His image is matches with the swordsman.
💙 They're becoming one. ← 直訳だと『二人は1つになる』😳?

炭治郎「ずっと考えていた あの一撃のことを 妓夫太郎の頸を斬れた あの一撃の理由を」
❤️ I've been thinking about the attack of cutting Gyutaro's head. I am always wondering about the reason .
💙 I thought for a long time about that one attack. ←完了じゃなくて良いのか…😳

「わかった もう出来るぞ」
❤️ Now I understand. So I can do it again.
💙 I understand. I can do this.

❤️ Is that Genya ? Oh he cut out of the head of the fourth of the demons.
💙 Genya ...is unharmed. He cut off the g
head of the fourth one.

❤️ But that figure looks like....
💙 Why he looks like that ? just like ....

❤️ What the hell is this attack !? I can't regenerate.
💙 What kind of attack was that !? I can't regenerate .

#英語楽しんでね#英語好きを増やしたい #鬼滅の刃で覚える英語 #好きなことで英語#アニメで英語 #鬼滅の刃


