Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Nagoya Fujimae-Higata observing trip

2017-04-05 10:42:17 | nature observation
I would like to inform Fujimae-Higata observing trip.

Fujimae-Higata is the tidal flats registered under the Ramsar Convention, that is located at south of Nagoya city.

Observing Fujimae-Higata needs you to reserve the Fujimae-Higata observation day,
that are planning by Fujimae-Higata Activity Center.

I attend Fujimae-Higata observing day.
Going to Fujimae-Higata, I ride a bus from Nagoya station to Nanyo-town-FujimaeHigata-front bus stop.

Biological observation of Fujimae-Higata is done at low tide.
In April it is at low tide from 14: 00-15: 00.

Except the low tide, the tidal flat is gone, it will be covered with the sea surface.

Before going to tidal flat, sea water flow is existing.
The flow depth is about 50cm.
I recomend you to wear beach sandals with bare feet, and scoop up pants over the knees.

The ocean of this tidal flat is brackish water mixed with sea water and river water.
The tidal flat is covered with mud that has a pattern like a wave, and the mud has a lot of shellfish and crustacean holes.

The living creatures,
Bird: Snipe, Swindle, little ringed plover, Sea gull, Duck, Japanese cormorant,

Shellfish: Corbicula, Sotoori shellfish,

Crustacean: Upogebia pusilla, Crab

Fish: Goby, Fluke

Arround this tidal flat, sea water is clean, because many living creatures eat organic matters.

When you would like to observe birds, please go to Inaei visitor center.

This center is near the Noseki station of Aonami train.
This cente is not necessary the reservation.

Please observe Fujijae-Higata, and understand to keep this tidal flat.

That's it.

