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Minatogawa Shrine, Minatogawa Park trip in Kobe city

2017-04-13 09:49:40 | traditional city
I would like to inform the trip that is walking the dead area for Masashige Kusunoki who was a Samurai at Kamakura period.

First I visit Minatogawa shrine.
This shrine is near Hankyu Kosoku-Kobe station.

This shrine's god is Masashige Kusunoki.
Masashige-Kusunoki's grave exists right side of this shrine.

Masashige-Kusunoki fighted Takauji-Ashikga, and died at this area at 1336.
Mitsukuni-Tokugawa established Masashige-Kusunoki's grave, and Meiji Tenno established this shrine at 1869.
The shrine was destroyed entirely in the Second World War and restored in reinforced concrete construction in 1952.

At the main shrine, Miko is dancing for pray.

Parking lot exists at the back of the left side of the precinct.
This shrine is a modern shrine.

Next I go to Minatogawa park, that is 10minutes walking distance.

At Meiji period, there was Minatogawa river at this area.
This river divided Kobe city.
Kobe broke this river, and make a Shinkaichi atea.
Minatogawa park was made at north end of Shinkaichi.

This park has Masashige-Kusunoki's riding horse statue.
Lots of people make Hanami around this statue.

Shinkaichi shopping district starts from south end of this park.

This shopping district is a gentle slope.

This shopping district area was a poor downtown entertainment district.
About 20 years ago, this district has changed to new street.

This year is 150 years from opening Kobe port.
Various events will be held in Kobe City.
Please visit Kobe city historical area.

That's it.

