Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Nukiho Festival at Fushimi-Inari-Taisha shrine in Kyoto

2016-10-21 00:38:07 | Festival
I would like to inform Nukiho Festival at Fushimi-Inari-Taisha shrine.

I ride JR train from Kyoto to Inari station.
I walk east, soon arrive at Fushimi-Inari-Taisha.

Nukiho Festival will be held Octover 25 at Shinden(God rice field)
FushimiInari-Taisha shrine is famouse for oversee travelors.
Lots of travelors visit this festival.
I recommend you to arrive this shrine before 10:00.

Nukiho Festival is reaping the rice for Rice God.

There are 4events for rice god festival, except Nukiho Festival.
Minakuchi-Hashu-Festival : Pray growth before sowing the seed rice to rice nursery
Taue-Festival : God rice field in chewed the rice seedlings
Niiname-Festival : Ritual to thank for a good harvest offering the rice harvested in Inari Okami
Hitaki-Festival : The thank-up Inari Okami burning rice straw

Nukiho Festival starts from 11:00 at main shrine, from 11:30 at God rice field.
God rice field has 100 Tubo area.

After 11:30, Chief priest, Kagura women, Men and women of the harvest are walking to God rice field.

After chief priest praying, Kagura women dance Nukiho-Dance.
Men and women of the harvest are cutting rices.

Kagura women dance is wonderful.

Cutting rices by men and women of the harvest is also wonderful.

After finish the Kagura women dance, cutting rices stop about resting 50% rices.

Chief priest put rices into rice box, and bring rice box to main shrine.

Men and women of the harvest restart the cutting rices,
This festival stop after finishing to cut rices.
This harvest rices are presented at November 23.

This cut rice straws are burned at Hitaki-Festival.

Please go to see a peaceful Nukiho Festival.

That's it.

