Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Walking Trip at Sugamo Tokyo

2015-08-09 10:43:40 | Walking Trip
I would like to inform Sugamo town walking trip.

I get off at Sugamo station, go north along Hakusan street.

8minutes walking, I arrive at Koganji temple.

This temple has Togenuki Jizo.

Next I get smoke from Ko bowl.
Smoke is effective for health.

I go to Main temple.

I pray, ang buy the Paper of Togenuki Jizo.
This paper is small, to stick to pain spot, pain spot will be good.
Next is Arai Kannon.
Find your bad spot, then pour water to Arai Kannon, and wash Arai Kannon of your bad spot.
Your bad spot will get well.

I buy Tankiri Candy, that is keeping throat good.
This candy is best selling.

Next is Honmyoji temple.
This temple has a big graves.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa, he is a famous novelist, is existing.

I pray this grave.

Next is Shinshouji temple.
Big Jizo is sitting.
Height is 2.68m.

Sugamo town people are praying this temple.

This trip is only 3 hours trip.
Togenuki Jizo is best spot.
Please walk Sugamo town.

That's it.