

またまた成済まし詐欺 !?

2011-03-27 00:04:56 | 日々の出来事

  一昨日、突然 アメリカ在住の友人から英語のメールが届きました。

読んでいて、「ん? 以前にもこんなメールをみたぞ!」




彼女からは返信はありませんが、再度英語で「Please help me」と言う簡単なメールが来ました。

私が彼女に送ったメールを読んだに違いありません。 (彼らが使っているメールアドレスと同じなのですから当然と言えば当然)







I am in hurry writing you this message and i hope you get it on time, sorry I didn't inform you about my trip in Malaysia for a Program. It has been a very sad and bad moment for me here, the present condition that i found myself is very hard for me to explain. I am really stranded here in Malaysia because I was attacked and robbed on the way to my hotel, all cash, document's and cell phone which i have all my contacts were stolen off me. 
Thanks and get back to me soon with the transfer details so that i can leave

Presently I have limited access to internet, I will like you to assist me urgently with a soft loan of $1,400 US dollars to sort-out my hotel bills and to get myself back home. I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding to the matter effectively, I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me with, I'll Refund the money back to you as soon as i get home without any delay. Please use the details below to send the money to me via Western Union money transfer  because that is the only way i could be able to get the money fast and leave. Here's my info below...
Name: Mami Matsumoto
Address: 17A, Jalan Kuchin Seksyen, Mahkota Melaka, Malaysia
After you have send the money, email to me the western union money transfer control number or you can attach and forward to me the western union money transfer receipt so that i can pick up the money fast and leave.

*前回もそうでしたが、文途中の“I” が “i” で書かれているのが特徴です。