経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習


Reliability Management

2014-06-25 05:30:53 | 雑感

Improving reliability needs management tools based on knowledge treatments.  Intelligence expertise for realizing preventive defects is contained on design processes. It means that the amount of the intelligence is the ability of manufacturing systems.

However, keeping and more improving the intelligence expertise are difficult, because the knowledge quality needs management activities based on business strategies.  

Indeed, an accurate methodology is continuing various educational events and activities for employees. In particular, Reliability seminars with case studies are significant opportunities to improve the comprehensives of manufacturing powers, and the view of knowledge management methods with quality insight   is a fundamental thought.

One of Systems-Data approaches is handling the Reliability engineering management.




2014-06-25 04:22:43 | 雑感

Data thinking means methodologies for inferences with information materials. Indeed, modeling tools are significant for the thought ways.

Reliability of manufactures is empathized as an important thought for designing. However, unexpected failures occur after supplying.

International Conference on Quality

2014-06-24 07:57:30 | 雑感

Quality Management is addressed in global situations of business activities. It is significant in sight of International Business, and the issues of the global managements contain the both handling between Engineering and Business.

In Tokyo, we will have the International Conference on Quality 2014, and then the international issues for the management activities will be proceed.

Professional abilities of International Quality are significant, and the profession is expected to be a business management engineer.


Computational Skills

2014-06-23 22:36:53 | 雑感

Mathematical methodologies are used in management science, and it is necessary to take calculate results. Indeed, the calculations are numerical materials based on mathematical modeling for business phenomena.

Nowadays, computational tools are useful for the business computations, and we know keen software tools for numerical computational methods. The principle skills to use the software are programming abilities.

For example, Excel VBA makes the effectiveness for computational decision-making, and MATLAB, Scilab, R and so on are expected to take solutions in business issues.



2014-06-23 04:08:42 | 雑感

Development activities, which have been kept on, have opportunities to success planed business stories. Simple is best way, is not it?

Inferences from data are important to investigate various behaviors in business. Learning the statistical methodologies makes the effects.

Phenomena based on glocalization, divergence and multiculturalism make the complexity in business. The Asian activities are attractive.

Human resources for business are significant, and fostering abilities on jobs makes profits with cooperated knowledge creations.

Career Creation

2014-06-22 19:20:10 | 雑感

Abilities for professional activities are trained by preparing situations. Indeed, a young period in which one’s school days are offered is important for the career creation. Basic competences consist of the prospective career abilities.

Education systems from a preparatory career view are significant, and it might be effective that internship opportunities are taken as an initial experience of the career creation.   Of course, learning entrepreneurships with business creations are contained in the preparation activities.

For jobs finders who have been grown up and not had enough career experiences, the career education systems involve primal issues. Universities are attractive systems for making efforts to solve the issues.



2014-06-22 11:31:24 | 雑感










2014-06-22 04:04:20 | 雑感

Consultations for Reliability Engineering are attractive, because manufacturers consider risks of failures, and desire zero defects.

Business solutions are constructed based on knowledge creations, and the primal tool consists of business analytics for knowledge handling.

Entrepreneurs make businesses, and then more enormous activities are created. It is principle that a business makes businesses and so forth.


2014-06-22 01:13:50 | 雑感




