

ハーバード留学英語3年目編012:toastmaster 9 回目"Persuade with power"

2016-05-08 09:58:23 | ハーバード留学英語3年目編
Persuade with power

先月予定が幾つか変更になった影響もあり、立て続けにtoastmastersの発表を行い、今年度中の目標だったcompetent communicator manualのプロジェクトを終わらせた!

これはその1つめ。9つめのプロジェクトであるPersuade with powerである。なんらかの説得できるような発表をしないといけないのだけれど、なかなかネタが思い浮かばないので、日本ネタに逃げ、”そうだ京都。行こう”的な発表にした!


9回目の発表”How about thinking of traveling to Japan?"

Have you decided the destination of your vacation for this year? (Brief Pause…) Perhaps for spring break or during the summer?
Since I am from Japan and I want you to learn about and enjoy my country, I would like to suggest you to think of traveling to Japan!

You may ask yourself….What are the most appealing points of traveling to Japan? I’ve asked several people who love to go to Japan, and they all said that there are three aspects that appeal to most wise tourists. These three aspects are…Nature…traditional culture…and modern culture. I would like to mention attractive points of traveling to Japan in terms of these three very broad aspects of Japan and of Japanese culture.

The first aspect is Nature in Japan. These are advertisements designed to attract tourists to go to Kyoto - the old capital in Japan. The beauty seen in nature in Japan is inspiring. (Pause….)

There are four seasons and every season has its own beauty, just like in New England and Boston. There are Cherry Blossoms blooming in spring, there are beautiful Green Mountains in reaching to the sky in summer. In the fall the leaves change color like in New England. And finally, in the winter there is some snow. Every time you visit Japan, you can enjoy the natural beauty and changing seasons of Japan.

Among the things the tourists find interesting is traditional culture. An example of the beauty is shown in the simplicity that originated from Zen Philosophy. Zen philosophy is one of the most important aspects of traditional Japanese culture, as well as, our modern culture.
(brief pause…)

Some of you may know about the famous story that the former Apple CEO - Steve Jobs - was greatly influenced by Zen philosophy. He designed many of his products with great design simplicity. Products like the Mac computer, the iPhone and the iPad have a basis in Zen Philosophy. You can feel that Zen simplicity influencing our daily life when you are take a picture of the Stone Garden in the Ryoan-ji temple with your iphone.
I’m sure this is an exciting moment when you feel a connection between traditional Japanese Culture and our every day technology driven life.

Another fascinating thing in every travel is food and Japanese traditional food is one of the things I would like to recommend you to try very strongly. This is a beautiful collection of small sized sushi and as you can see here, Japanese traditional food is sophisticated in terms of its taste as well as its appearance. You could enjoy both two aspects when you try to taste them.

Lastly I would like to show some aspects of modern culture of Japan. Tokyo is also a modern city. (brief pause…)

You can access everything you want similar to many modern cities, such as, New York, Boston, Toronto. There are plenty of museums both for fine arts and natural history. Great restaurants and excellent educational facilities.

You could visit a museum for a famous anime movie producer, Hayao Miyasaki.
(brief pause…)
Or a museum for Hello Kitty that most children are crazy about and enjoy Japanese famous animation.
(brief pause…)
Or you could visit a Ramen noodle Museum and taste several types of noodle that most Japanese like to eat.

In summary, I talked about three aspects of Japan that, I hope, will make you think about traveling to Japan.
(brief pause….)
These aspects are…Nature, traditional and modern culture and there are many more wonders waiting for you to discover in Japan.

As a personal note: I think that Spring is the best season to visit Japan. If you have time and money, I strongly recommend you to plant to visit Japan during this spring.


