

ハーバード留学英語3年目編013:toastmasterいよいよファイナル”inspire your audience”

2016-05-08 10:09:39 | ハーバード留学英語3年目編
inspire your audienceって

toastmastersのcompetent communicator manualの最後の課題は”inspire your audience”!

inspire your audienceといえば、ふと思いつくのが、スティーブジョブズがスタンフォード大の卒業式で行った。
スピーチが有名ですね。荷が思いなと思いつつテーマを考えていたら、toastmaster magazineの記事に

"Breaking language barriers"


10回目の発表”Breaking Your Barriers to Public Speaking”

Good afternoon, fellow toastmasters and welcome guests. (brief pause….)

My talk tonight is “Breaking Your Barriers to Public Speaking”. English is a second language for ME. My language barrier is one of my biggest concerns about public speaking. That is why I joined the toastmasters club for more than 1 year.

As I mentioned several times in the toastmasters meeting, the experience in the toastmasters general club has helped me a lot to overcome my language barrier. At this moment, I am still working on breaking of my language barrier. However I have some ideas on what it is and how it is to break my language barrier. I believe this insight could be applicable to breaking other types of language barriers. (EXCELLENT IDEA….PAUSE).

Therefore I would like to share my insights with you.
(dramatic pause…two seconds). I hope that it could also help you to overcome your barriers.

According to my experience in toastmasters, I realized that there are four important things to be aware of when you are trying to break your barriers.

These important things are…

First: have a goal……a good goal using the “SMART” goal setting technique. This is an excellent way of structuring any presentation or meeting.
Second: Is to enjoy your challenge is also very important. Embrace any anxiety or fear that you have about public speaking and use that for your benefit.
Third: Enjoy your fellows or working partners and the environment. The audience, in most cases, are your friends and they want you to succeed.
Forth: Learn from your mentors and the feedback that the audience provides, especially the speech evaluators…these are the keys to your success.

First, I would like to start with the aspect of goal setting. In general, there are 5 golden rules to set your goal in order to achieve outcome you need. The five rules are: Your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This is also called smart goal setting.
I realized that the toastmasters’ competent communicator track is a good example of SMART goal setting.
As you can see in the manual, a different sets of objectives is assigned to each of the project, therefore goal should be very specific. Your fellow toastmasters help you to evaluate your skills and your improvement should be measurable. It might not be easy but it is achievable to give a talk in the toastmasters meeting once in 1-2 month. The projects in the manual are well constructed and the objectives of each projects become deeper and wider from earlier to later projects and the challenge you will face in the projects should be relevant. Finally, it is also time-bound. The speed is not clearly indicated in the manual, but most of the participant probably want to improve communication skills not within a month but within one year or two. That makes it possible to find good pace makers for your achievement among the club members.
I believe that this types good goal setting in competent communicator track allows you to improve your communication skills very efficiently and effectively.

Second, I would like to talk about the fun aspects of public speaking challenges. I can think of the many enjoyable things in my challenges and you may find more in your challenges.
This could be side products of your challenge but it promotes you to step further.
First it is a very encouraging moment when you realized your improvement or accomplishment. I think it is important to make use of this kind of feeling for continuing your challenge.
In addition, I could learn a lot of things from my challenge in the toastmasters. As for communication skills, I have learned many things such as speech structures, vocal varieties, the techniques to inspire audiences. As for topics, I could also learn a lot of things such as myself, time management, and cognitive behavioral therapy. It is very enjoyable and makes my life more rich.
Finally, I also would like to point out you could get something you did not expect at the beginning during your challenge. In my case, I could get some confidence in communication and it helps me to widen my perspectives as well as the chance or opportunities that I had dismissed before.

Finally, I would like to mention about the aspects of your working partners. Friendly and warmful environment of toasmtasters general club always helps me to continue my challenge.
I also have two good mentors, GXXXX at the beginning and KXXX now. GXXXX helped me to familiar with everything in the toastmasters and Kevin always helps me to edit my speech. I also have two good pace makers RXXX and KXXX. They helped me to follow the track of competent communicator manual.
I realized these human factors are also important for your accomplishments.

IN CONCLUSION: (Pause)…Today I talked about four things that are important to break your barriers. (I changed to four, you can change back if you want)
Three things are
S.M.A.R.T goal setting
Enjoying your challenge
Your Fellows – Environment, Mentor, and Pace maker
I believe these three factors are key to any kinds of challenge for everyone.
I hope it helps you to break your barrier, cross the boundary, and continue your journey to the new world.
Thank you very much for your attention.


ちなみやり始める前は、ネィティブに混じって英語で発表なんてとてもと思っていましたが、結果的には我がtoastmasters general clubで10回やり通したのは、ネィティブでない自分が一番早っかったりしました!


