頼子百万里走単騎 "Riding Alone for Millions of Miles"

環境学者・地理学者 Jimmy Laai Jeun Ming(本名:一ノ瀬俊明)のエッセイ


2021-07-13 17:12:10 | 日記
Zwei Jahren! Alles klar! Besser als Keiner.
The COVID-19 pandemic still causes planning uncertainties. Since we cannot ensure that the 9th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology (JGM9) can take place in an in-person event, we have decided to postpone it again by one year to 2022. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We hope that planning of the meeting can start early in 2022, so that we can inform you about the new meeting date for the JGM9 and the new call for details on registration and submission of papers. We hope to welcome you all then finally next year in Berlin for personal exchange and scientific discussions on urban climatology.

Vielen dank.
Unsre Injektionen wollen in August bis Oktober.
Bis bald.
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2021-08-04 11:37:06

