We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

Party and movie night~~

2006-12-30 21:29:44 | Joetsu上越

Sanapi and Aya

Aya and Saki

I came back to my home town, Joetsu in the early morning today.
So I wanted to meet them, coz I think they are very close to me.
They have been to San Francisco a month ago, I wanted to hear about their trip to there.
I also love San Francisco
We were excited taking about it.
I wish I could go to there with them sometime soon.

After the party at the Sanae's school.
We went out the moviewhich is "Eragon".
I will write about it later.

Thanks you guys.
I had a wonderful time with youguys.
Sanapi and Saki



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Happy New Year! (Lucy)
2007-01-01 11:56:32
I'm glad you're having a nice New Year vacation Say hi to your family for me. Thanks for the e-card!
thanks! (aya)
2007-01-01 13:10:39
Happy new year! Lucy.
We recieved your nice new year card!!
It's so cute and your Japanese is amazing!
My family also hope meet you again in this year.
Especially my mom miss you so much.

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