We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)


2006-04-05 14:59:06 | Florida留学2006
I went to O'conal center to swim.
Actually, I didn't enough exercise recently.
That's why we went to there.
I swam very quickly....He said "Aya!!! You're not human,,like a animal~"
Oh my god~~ Anyway we enjoyed swimming~

これでも私、水泳部だったんだよ~ 彼に少し泳ぎを教えてあげた。

I'm a happy girl~ I can make you happy!!

2006-04-05 07:34:16 | Friends in the world
I talked with Jessica on skype for almost one hour~
We were very excited to talking about each other.
I heard some news from her.
She has moved a new lend house, and she will go to travel with co-workers.
She's having holiday(..I forgot to ask about that holiday? what kind of~?)
She said that "I'm very happy to know you, and you make me happy anytime".
I'm so glad to hear that and I was very touched. She praised me a lot.
When she was tired and came back to her house from work, she checked my webblog. She became happy~~ and she introduced it her friends.
Thanks a lot~ Jessica.
I've been graceful since I knew you last semester.
And I realized that my webblog is important for me and my friends.
It's connecting us.

And Jessica I will show you my picture!!!
I gained weight....I think more than last semester. Oh my goddess!!!
I'm sure I'm going to make a plan to go to Taiwan (When I got a job, okay?)

昨日の夜はJessicaとたっぷり話ができた。Skypeでテレビ電話はできないけれどMSNより音質がよくお互いの音がクリアに聞こえるため、お互い話をしたい時はこっちの方をよく使う。SkypeもMSNも無料っていうのが素晴らしいよね 海外生活の強い見方だと思う。
Jessicaの言葉に思わず涙が出そうになってしまった。台湾で仕事を始めたけれど何となくつまらない毎日だという。彼女の諸事情もあってアメリカでの仕事を探しているという 仕事から帰ってAyaのBlogやメールを見るといつも幸せにしてくれる。Blogだって好きじゃないと毎日書けない、Ayaはずっと続けてるもん。こっちの友達にも紹介してるんだよ!出逢った誰もがAyaの事を好きになるよ。。。と言ってくれた。
これからもお互い励ましあってWe must have Happy Life!!だね。