We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

Scotty's castle(Death valley)

2006-03-23 23:54:27 | Florida留学2006
I talked for three hours with Dianne last night.
She talked me her travel to San Francisco with two girls when she was 19 years old.(After that she lived in SF)
They went to Grand canyon, Death valley, and so on.
When she drove at midnight, she lost the way in Nevada state.
Then she saw UFO!! and after that she and her friends fonnd a huge castle.
They asked the way the maneger of castle.
The maneger invited that castle and guided~
The castle was "Death valley Scotty's castle".
I checked the website of it.
I saw the luxury castle~
I was really excited to talk about with Dianne

I'm sure I'm going to visit there someday.



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castles!! (sanapi)
2006-03-27 16:00:58
In the US, there arent any good castles compare to Europe. You've not been there yet, but you should visit some of the countries someday. In scotland, almost the most town has the castles. Some of the owners of castles gain money from the visitors. I liked visiting those castles when I lived in Glasgow in Scotland. I'll take you there someday.

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