We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

Essay; My American mother

2006-03-31 02:57:20 | Florida留学2006
Yesterday I wrote essays this is one of it.
This theme was something amazed,would be proud of something.

So I'd like to write the some pharagraph of this essay.

The next is human needs. She has much knowledge especially medical and psychology. My most impressed topic was “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs”. Abraham Maslow, who was research psychologist, proposed a theory of human’s basic needs that they seek to satisfy successively higher needs in the hierarchy in 1943. The hierarchy has five steps; physiological, safety, love/belongings, esteems, and highest is actualization.
The physiological needs to breathe, water, eat, sleep, bodies temperature and so on.
We need it to live at least. The safety needs physical security, moral security, and familial security. It comes to second. The love and belonging need friendship, sexual intimacy, having family. Dianne said if there is a baby who fills up the line of physiology and safety, but who has no family and no love who will die. I was surprised to hear it. But it’s true. Even me, if I have no friend, no family, no lover, no one to talk with me, maybe my life would be tasteless. Love is important essence to keep our life.
The next step is esteeming that to be respected, self-respect, recognition, self-absorbed....(continue)

I have learned a lot of knowledge from her. Sometimes we have questions in our life. However I could get a piece of the answer from her. I thought everyone has some key persons one's life and Dianne is one of it for me. I am proud that I met and knew her. Life shows us a lot of happiness in our life especially the meeting people. Every people who met you have the meaning. We cannot expect one’s whole life, however if you can find the key person, your world will be spreads out!!
I realize about it to meet her.

テーマは事実に基づく話で、自分が誇りに思うこと、すごいと感じたこと、影響を受けたもの。書く前にいくつかリストを作ったけれど、Dianneについて書くのが一番面白いと思った。彼女から学んだ事を改めて思い出してみようと思って書き出したら夢中になった。Dianneにもその事を伝えたら『私のことを有名にしてくれるんだ~ありがとう』なんて言ってた。思想論や精神論や歴史など様々な知識を持つ彼女だけれど、その中でもMaslow’s hierarchy of needsの話は興味深かった。
Maslow's hierarchy of needs webpage ~  ←コレは日本語のHPなので興味のある方はこちらを。


①Even me, if I have no friend, no family, no lover, no one to talk with me, maybe my life would be tasteless.

②Life shows us a lot of happiness in our life especially the meeting people. Every people who met you have the meaning. We cannot expect one’s whole life, however if you can find the key person, your world will be spreads out!!



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