We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

温かいお便り Greetings

2008-06-26 23:04:58 | Postcardお便り
I got two letters from my friends recently.
Sanapi sent me a Japanese style summer greeting.
Sending summer greetings is one of Japanese custom, which we call
"暑中お見舞い". And Lucy also sent me the photo, that she created.
She is working at the summer camp in North Carolina.
And she teaches photography, like making photograms which are created by
putting objects. She seems enjoy teaching and relaxed to living in the nature
Please hava a nice summer in the NC

Sanapiからの暑中お見舞いと、North Carolinaでキャンプで先生をしているLucy


Hey guys, let you check my Taiwan photo later.
You must see it, coz it would be miracle shot




コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Hi! (Lucy)
2008-06-27 22:02:50
Hi Aya! I'm back from NC. It was so much fun! I will show you pictures later.
I'm glad you got my photogram
I hope you have a wonderful time in Taiwan! Say Hi to Yvette for me~
成田空港から (aya)
2008-06-28 08:29:56
hello, Lucy.
Actually, I am in Narita airport right now.
I love your photo work!!! it's cool, and just like you.

Okay, I will say hi to Yvette from you!
talk to u soon
yvette (Unknown)
2008-07-01 23:12:34
dear Aya..
i think u r in Japan thought..
it's so great to see u again..
sorry..there is no much time for shopping
u should come over and stay longer next time
bty....i want to say hi to Lucy too..
hi~Lucy...Aya talked me about u..and i'm so
happy to hear from u~
take care u guys~
yvette (Unknown)
2008-07-01 23:15:22
haha..it's me again...
i want to say...you should go to see that
movie"sexy and city". i bet you would love it!!
c u
to Yvette miss u.....! (aya)
2008-07-02 23:48:01
thanks for everything Yvette
my Taiwan trip was amazing, wonderful.
I didn't exprience such a nice trip like that.
I love Taiwan.
it's no problem I bought much stuff
my shopping is enough, thanks for your help.

i checked the sex and the city.
it will start in Aug in Japan...mmm.
I will tell you when I saw it in Japan.
i am writing about our Taiwan trip on my blog.
it'll take long time, coz i want to write a lot of our happen and update pix also.
check it later! Love u.

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