We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)


2012-10-24 23:46:31 | St.Augustine

A few weeks ago, Dianne told me that she had found a very nice book and that she would send me soon. A big gift box was delivered to me yesterday. She sent me the book, DVDs and a lovely ring! 
I am interested in that book, because the author is a guy from Gainesville, FL. She said it is the Buddha path, but with the psychological aspect of ego observance.  I want to finish reading it :)

She sent me a special ring! There is a story about the ring. Dianne's sister bought rings for every female cousin of her generation before she died. After she died Dianne found out those rings. She mailed them all out to every cousin. There was an extra ring left. She sent it to me! We have the same ring and I am connected to Dianne and her sisters. I am very touched. Love it.


昨日届いてお礼を言おうとすぐに電話したら、さすがに起きていた(現地AM11時) 私の所に本が届くのを待って読もうと思っていたようで、じゃあayaと同時に読み始めるね。後ほど、読み終わったら感想を話そうね~と。少し雑談をして電話を切った。 英語の本、がんばって読もうと思う。ぱっと見たところ、内容はココロの安らぎとか、リラックス系。