

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/22)

2020年11月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
26291.scrap heap a pile of old, discarded material, as metal /a place for dumping old, useless things  
I was thrown on the scrap heap at the age of 50 
26292.Don't get ahead of yourself.(先走らないで)
Don't get ahead of yourself. Let's make sure I can get that day off first.
26293.jump to conclusions(慌てて結論を出す・早とちりする )
Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's get all the facts straight first.  
26294.big mouth(口が軽い / (秘密が守れず)おしゃべり) spoken someone who has a big mouth cannot be trusted to keep things secret 
We're all in trouble because you opened your big mouth!
26295.talk big(ホラを吹く / 得意げに話す / 大口を叩く)to boast or brag 
You sure talk big for someone that hasn't accomplished anything.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

老後は要領 孤立しないで自立する

2020年11月21日 | 読書日記
1960年大阪府生まれ。東京大学医学部卒。東京大学医学部付属病院精神神経科助手、米国カール・メニンガー精神医学学校国際フェローを経て、現在は精神 科医。国際医療福祉大学教授。ヒデキ・ワダ・インスティテュート代表。一橋大学国際公共政策大学院特任教授。川崎幸病院精神科顧問。




Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/21)

2020年11月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
26286.leave something somewhere((どこどこに)忘れ物をする)
Do you guys mind if we go back to the hotel? I left my wallet in the room. 
26287.Do you have / got everything? (忘れ物ない?)
Do you guys have everything? OK, let's hit the road!
26288.forget something(忘れ物をする)
I've got to run back into the house, I forgot something.  
26289.get under someone's skin(〜を凄くイライラさせる)to anger or irritate someone 
My boss really gets under my skin. He's driving me crazy.
26290.push someone's buttons(〜を怒らせる) to make someone feel strong emotions    
I really can't stand her. She's always pushing my buttons

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/20)

2020年11月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
26281.across from(…の向かいに)
It's across from the station.
26282.Could you possibly(~していただけないでしょうか)
Could you possibly organize it?.
26283.contingency(不測の事態 )A contingency is something that might happen in the future. 
We should have a contingency plan just the same. 
26284.irreplaceable(かけがえのない ) Irreplaceable things are so special that they cannot be replaced if they are lost or destroyed. 
No way. He is irreplaceable
26285.mess up(めちゃくちゃ) if you mess something up or if you mess up, you cause something to fail or be spoiled 
I really messed up. I don't know how to get her back . 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/19)

2020年11月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
26276.It's up to you.(あなた次第です)
It doesn't matter which restaurant we go to. It's up to you guys. 
26277.What have you been up to?(最近どうしてた?)
What has your brother been up recently? 
26278She is up to something.(彼女は何かを企んでいる)
My kids are definitely up to no good. I could tell from the look on their face. 
26279.up to(最大~まで) 
I can eat up to 5 bowls of ramen.
26280.That went over my head(全然理解できない / ちんぷんかんぷん) extremely tired   
The lecture today went over my head

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年11月18日 | 爺英語

The coronavirus pandemic has brought record losses to one of Japan's major airline operators.
ANA Holdings has announced it expects a group net loss of 4.8 billion dollars for the year ending next March.
The company says net loss for the half year through September amounted to a record 1.8 billion dollars.
It says the number of passengers on international routes dropped 96 percent and on domestic flights by 79 percent.
The head of the holding company says the forecast is serious.
ANA Holdings will seek voluntary retirement, implement an annual pay cut of 30 percent on average, and get rid of more than 30 planes as part of restructuring plans.
It plans to launch a new international low-cost carrier and promote tourism and product sales by tapping into customer data from its frequent flyer program in order to boost revenues.
voluntary retirement,希望退職      
◆tap into   ~を利用する、活用する   

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/18)

2020年11月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
26271.take a break from(〜(のこと)から一時的に離れる)
Take a break from English for a few weeks. I think you're burned out. 
26272.get some rest(少し休む・ゆっくり休む)
Get some rest tonight. We have a busy day tomorrow.  
26273.literally(文字通りに)You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exaggerated or surprising. 
He took what I said literally
26274.figuratively(比喩的に) If you use a word or expression in a figurative sense, you use it with a more abstract or imaginative meaning than its ordinary literal one.  
 Figuratively speaking, English is a world currency
26275.freak out(幻覚状態、異常な精神状態、麻薬幻覚者 )
I was literally freaking out when the cockroach started flying. 
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第七十四段

2020年11月17日 | 徒然草を読む




養生しながら「何かいいことないか」と、呟きながら果報を待つ。とどの詰まりは、ただ老いぼれて死ぬだけだ。老いぼれて死ぬ瞬間は、あっという間で、思いの刹那が留まる事もない。老いぼれて死ぬのを待っている間に何か楽しい事でもあるのだろうか? 迷える子羊は老いぼれて死ぬのを恐がらない。名前を売る為に忙しく金儲けに溺れて、命の終点が近い事を知らないのだ。それでいてバカだから死ぬのを悲しむ。この世は何も変わらないと勘違いし、運命の大河に流されているのを感じていないからだ。


Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/17)

2020年11月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
26266.like crazy(ものすごく)You use like crazy to emphasize that something happens to a great degree. 
Yeah, he's growing by the day. He eats like crazy. He's always hungry. 
26267.chilly(肌寒い)Something that is chilly is unpleasantly cold. 
It's a little chilly in here. Can you turn down the AC?
26268.chills(寒気)When you chill something or when it chills, you lower its temperature so that it becomes colder but does not freeze. 
I have the chills. I might have a fever. 
26269.chill (out) (落ち着く・落ち着け) To chill out means to relax after you have done something tiring or stressful.  
I'm watching TV and just chilling at home. What are you doing?
26270.take a break(休憩する・息抜き)  
Why don't you take a break? You've been studying for five hours. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/16)

2020年11月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
26261.over and over(何回も繰り返して)If you say that something happened over and over or over and over again, you are emphasizing that it happened many times. 
You just have to keep doing it over and over. You'll get the hang of it. 
26262.I don't get it((言っていることが)よく分からない )
Let's check the upcoming events online.
26263.I'm not following you(話についていけません )
I'm afraid I'm not following you. How are you planning on making money?  
26264.amazing(素晴らしい) You say that something is amazing when it is very surprising and makes you feel pleasure, approval, or wonder.  
You got a promotion? That’s amazing! Congrats!
26265.scare someone off (怖がせる) 
The outbreak of the zika virus scared off the tourists.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/15)

2020年11月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
26256.under the weather(体調不良)slightly ill 
I feel a bit under the weather. I might've caught a cold. 
26257.not feeling well(気分が悪い)
I'm not feeling well. Can I take the rest of the day off?
26258.in bad shape(非常に体調が悪い)If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad shape, they are in a bad state of health or in a bad condition. 
She's in pretty bad shape. I hope she gets better soon.  
26259.stuffy nose(鼻が詰まる) If you have a stuffy nose, your nose is blocked, usually because you have a cold. 
Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose. 
26260.nauseous(吐き気がする) If you feel nauseous, you feel as if you want to vomit. 
If the patient is poorly nourished, the drugs make them feel nauseous

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年11月14日 | 読書日記



