

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/05)

2020年11月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
26206.flaky(信用できない人、ドタキャンする人、いい加減な人)a flaky person is slightly strange or often forgets things 
He didn't show up again? He's so flaky. 
26207.died of (〜が原因で死ぬ)
My grandpa died of cancer.
26208.pass away(亡くなる / この世を去る)to die – use this when you want to avoid saying the word ‘die’ 
He passed away at the age of 82. 
26209.lose someone(亡くす / 失う)
He lost a friend to drug addiction. .
26210.gone((すでに)亡くなっている / 他界している) extremely tired   
I'm really sorry. Peter is gone

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