

Daily Vocabulary(2021/06/16)

2021年06月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
27011.set a record(記録を樹立する / 記録を打ち立てる)to achieve the best result in a sport, competition etc that has ever been achieved, by running fastest, jumping highest etc
Rikako Ikee set a Japanese record in the 100 meter butterfly. 
27012.sunburn((肌がヒリヒリするまで)日焼けする) having a red and painful skin as a result of spending too much time in the sun
You’re going to get sun burned. You should put on sunscreen. . 
27013.suntan((いい感じに)日焼けする)brown skin that someone with pale skin gets after they have spent time in the sun 類義語 tan, → sunburn
You got suntanned! Did you go to the beach or something? 
27014.Can you give me a better price? (まけてくれへん?)
That's a little high. Can you give me a better price
27015.tough it out(我慢しないさい)
Tough it out. It’s just a scratch. 

