

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/27)

2024年05月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32356.revolve (回転する)to move around like a wheel, or to make something move around like a wheel → revolution, turn 
How long does it take for Jupiter to revolve around sun?
32357.sequence (連続、続発、(因果的)連鎖、(連続して起こる)結果、ひと続き、(起こる)順序、(同じ組の)続き札、順位札、シークエンス、(数)列 )the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in 
You have to follow the instructions and do the steps in the correct sequence
32358.chlonological(年代順)arranged according to when things happened or were made 
Arrange the following events in chronological order..
32359.text  (携帯でtext message を送る.  )to send someone a written message on a mobile phone 
 I'll text you the address of the restaurant where we are.
32360.low  (なくなりそうな、不十分な)small, or smaller than usual, in amount, level, or value OPP high 
I can't download any videos because my phone is low on free space.