


2024年05月15日 | 爺英語

British lawmakers have approved a contentious bill to send undocumented migrants to Rwanda. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says the plan will deter people from illegally crossing the English Channel. But United Nations officials are urging a rethink.
The legislation passed the House of Lords after clearing Parliament's lower chamber. It's one of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's flagship policies ahead of a general election due by late January next year.
Undocumented migrants are pouring into Britain, this year reportedly at the fastest pace ever. And Britain's leaders say the problem is weighing heavily on the state coffers. So they've brokered a deal with Rwanda.
The East African nation is still emerging from a devastating period of genocide in the 1990s. But the British government says Rwanda belongs to international treaties aimed at protecting the rights of refugees.

contentious 激しい議論を引き起こす、物議を醸す 
deter people from ~することを阻止する 
flagship 最も重要な、主力の、目玉の 
late January  1月下旬 
weigh on  ~にのしかかる、重荷になる 
coffer  金庫、財源 
broker a deal  取り引き、協定、取り決めなど」がまとまるよう取り計らう  
emerge from  (苦境から)抜け出る、立ち上がる 
devastating  壊滅的な  
genocide   大量虐殺、ジェノサイド 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/15)

2024年05月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
32296.accepting ((他人を)受け入れる / 許容範囲が広い )to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do OPP refuse 
The older I get, the more I’m learning to accept others as they are. 
32297.be the bigger person (度量の大きい人間になりなさい! )
Look, I know it’s not your fault. But you have to be the bigger person and take the blame. 
32298.point fingers (非難する )to blame someone or say that they have done something wrong 
Everyone was pointing fingers at each other. 
32299.I feel refreshed. (すっきりした)
 That shower felt good. I feel refreshed! 
32300.That’s awesome! (それはすごい、イケてるね )
You passed your test? That’s awesome!