

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/14)

2024年01月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
31691.giggle (くすくす笑う)o laugh quickly, quietly, and in a high voice, because something is funny or because you are nervous or embarrassed 
I remembered something funny and started giggle
31692.sniff (匂いを嗅ぐ)to breathe air in through your nose in order to smell something 
The detective sniffed the cup to find out what was inside. . 
an impending event or situation, especially an unpleasant one, is going to happen very soon 
I feel a sense of impending doom. 
31694.observatory (観測所、天文台、気象台、測候所、観測台、展望台、監視所 )a special building from which scientists watch the moon, stars, weather etc  
I want to go to the observatory at night. 
31695.curator(学芸員、館長someone who is in charge of a museum or zoo 
I majored in art history to become a curator.