

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/04)

2020年05月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
25281.I'm curious about(〜に興味をそそられる・〜に心引かれる)wanting to know about something → inquisitive 
I'm curious about his question.  
You’re going to walk home? Are you nuts? It’s pouring outside.
25283.detrimental(有害)causing harm or damage SYN harmful, damaging 
Do you think spending too much time on smartphones and tablets are detrimental to kids’ development?
25284.troll(荒らし)someone who leaves offensive or upsetting messages on the Internet, just in order to get a reaction 
There are a lot of trolls on the internet, especially on YouTube.
25285.self-esteem(自尊心)the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected → self-respect   
Getting in shape and learning a new skill will help boost your self-esteem

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