


2018年12月12日 | 爺英語

Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways have submitted reports about the recent alcohol-related incidents involving their pilots to Japan's transport ministry.
A Japan Airlines copilot was arrested by London police last month for exceeding the legal limit for alcohol consumption. According to the report filed on Friday by Japan Airlines, two other pilots did not clearly confirm the results of the copilot's preflight breath tests. They said it seemed as if the copilot was intentionally trying to avoid them.
The president of Japan Airlines apologized. The company plans to punish those involved, saying the two pilots also had a responsibility to supervise the copilot. Officials at Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways say they plan to use more accurate alcohol detectors at both domestic and overseas airports.

breath test呼気検査(酒気帯び検査)

Daily Vocabulary(2018/12/12)

2018年12月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
22676.viewing platform.(台, 展望台, 見晴らし台)
I climbed up to that viewing platform.
22677.nonchalant(無関心な人)behaving calmly and not seeming interested in anything or worried about anything
He always has a nonchalant attitude.
22678.gibberish(わけのわからない(早口の)おしゃべり、ちんぷんかんぷん)something you write or say that has no meaning, or is very difficult to understand
I can't understand her. She's talking gibberish.
22679.pimple(ニキビ、吹き出物)a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
I have a small pimple on my right cheek.
22680.rumor(噂)information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be true
I heard a rumor that Susie is moving to Okayama.

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