


2014年07月31日 | 爺英語

Sixty years after first taking the world by storm, it's back. A new Hollywood remake of the classic monster movie "Godzilla" has opened in the United States, and people are lining up for their share of scares.
A theater at a popular tourist spot was packed on the first day of the film's screening. The release of the second American remake comes six decades after the first Godzilla film opened in theaters across Japan. The film proved to be an international success, and the producer went on to make dozens of more Godzilla movies. The new U.S. film is the first 3-D version of the series, with computer graphics galore.

(Godzilla fan)
"It was a really genius idea to make the story. I don't know ... it was really beautiful. I enjoyed it!"

A six-meter sculpture of Godzilla is on display in front of the theater, where people are also lining up to have their photos taken with Japan's most famous monster.

take ... by storm 聴衆などを魅了する
remake      再映画化作品、改作版、リメイク
line up for ... ~のために並ぶ
scare      怖さ
be packed    満員である
screening    (映画の)上映
prove to be ... ~となる
dozens of ...  数十の~
galore      たくさんの、豊富な
genius      天才的な

Daily Vocabulary(2014/07/31)

2014年07月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
If you have a square-shaped paper, you can make many things like birds, animals and flowers.
14952.samurai helmet(かぶと)
In the Edo period, people started to make cranes, samurai helmets and other things with paper.
This is a story about a pretty and kind-hearted girl named Reika.
My friend told me that he is really good looking.
14955.get to know(知り合いになる、懇意になる)
It is a great chance to get to know the good-looking vice president.
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