Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Tokushima castle and Kazura Bridge Trip

2014-04-13 21:33:25 | Walking Trip
I would like to inform Tokushima Trip.

From Takamatsu City, Go to Tokushima City by JR train.

First go to Awaodori Hall.
Walking west about 15minutes, you arrive at this Hall.
This hall hold Awaodori dancing show three times.

Awaodori Museum is 3rd floor.
This museum explain dancing shape.
Man dancing, Woman dancing.

I think Awaodori does not have dancing shape, I understand man shape, woman shape.

Next visit is Mt.Bizan.
Ropeway is from 5th floor.
Ropeway charge : round trip is 1020yen.

Ropeway riding is only 6minutes.
From Bizan, Tokushima downtown is seen.

Descend Mt.Bizan.
Next is Zuigenji temple.

This temple has garden and tea house, triple tower.

Next visit is Tokushima castle ruins.
From west gate, I go to Tokushima castle ruins.

Climb stone steps about 8minutes, you arrive at Honmaru ruins.

Tokushima castle does not have Tenshukaku, has Honmaru, west Ninomaru, East Ninomaru,and West Sannomaru.
This castle is on the low mountain.

Honmaru garden is big.
Thiscastle is built by Iemasa Hachisuka.
Descend this castle, I arrive at SL train park, and Statue of Iemasa Hachisuka.

Near Statue of Iemasa Hachisuka, there is Tokushima castle museum.
This museum has famouse Garden.
East end of this castle, Gate is existing.
This gate is rebuilding.
Only this gate, I can image Tokushima Castle.

Next is going to Awaikeda from Tokushima station by train.

You have to change train at Awaikeda station.
Starting from Awaikeda station, you can see Ikeda high school on the hil.

Get off at Oboke station, I eat lunch.

I go to Heike house.

Walking to Heike house needs 50minutes.
This house is Kayabuki: that is Thatch.
Shows Heike goods for souvenir.

At Heike house, I ride a bus 25minutes, arrive at Kazura bridge.
This famouse place has lots of travelers.
Kazura bridge is made of Shinakuchi-Kazura plants.
This bridge is length 45m・width 2m・Heigh from river is 14m.

This bridge Origin is making for Heike peoples.
Making by Kazura is easy to cut bridge.
This bridge has to make renewal 3years pitch.
Walking this bridge by one ways.

Near bridge, Waterfall of Biwa is beautiful.
The waterfall height is 50m.

Kazura bridge and Biwa waterfall are famouse traveling point.
Near waterfall restaurant, I eat a big Ayu fish.
I return to bus stop, to a Oboke valley.
Oboke valley shows a beautiful valley.

Oboke valley shop is available to ride a ship.
Down the river: 1080yen is not expensive.
Over this valley, lots of Koinoboris are swimming.
Return to Oboke station, ride a train to Kochi station.

Next report will be informed next week.