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Arashiyama Trip by Trams Train, Randen Train

2013-11-17 23:07:14 | opinion
I would like to inform Arashiyama and Randen train Trip.

I get off at Saga Arashiyama station, and go to Trokko Train.

First to reserve ticket, because tickets are full booking.
I recommend reserve a afternoon ticket, because after eating Yudofu for lunch.
Next to go to Togetsu bridge.

Togetsu bridge is usually crowded.
Please take care not to hit people.

Kyoto taxi is running near pedestrian at high speed.
Very danger for pedestrian.
At walking narrow road, take care cars.

Walking around Hozu river, I recommend Yudofu: boiled tofu.
It is famous hood at Arashiyama.
Yudofu tofu is delicious.

After eating Yudofu, return to Trokko Train, ride this Train.

Autom leaf at Hozu river is now a best season to see.
Riding Trokko train is cold. Please wear a thick clothes.

Ride this train till Kameoka.
Getting off at Kameoka station, ride a bus to Pier.
Next is riding a Hozu boat tours.

Trokko train and Hozu river boat tour is a best method for seeing autumn leaf.

Next is going to Daikakuji temple by bus.

Daikakuji has a Hirosawa pond.
Enter the temple and walking around pond is good.
Now a autumn leaf season, autumn leaf with pond is wonderful.

Next is riding Randen train.

One day free ticket is 500yen.

Get off at Rokuouin station.
After 15minures walk, you arrive at Rokuouin temple.

This temple is Zen temple.
Garden has a maple tree and moss.
I recommend to sit down veranda and see this garden.

Next is Kurumaori Shrine.

Station is Kurumaori shrine mae.
In front of this station, this shrine is existing.
This shrine is for money, good luck, study, marriage.
Main shrine's vermilion color is beautiful.

Final stop Shijyo Omiya station, get off this station.
15minutes walking to the west, you arrive at Mivu temple.
Mivu temple is famous for Shinsen gumi, and Mivu Kyogen.
Shinsen gumi is training the members at this Mivu temple.

This temple has a grave of Isamu Kondo, and Shinsen gumi membership.

Around Mivu temple, Kintsuba cake is popular.

Kintsuba has 4 kinds types: Silver, green tea, Malone, sweet potatoes.

Trip by Randen is available for going to many famous travel points of west Kyoto.
This time inform Randen Arashiyama Line.
Next time I will inform Randen Kitano Line.
Please enjoy Randen trip.

That's it.