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Kyoto Toka-Ebisu Festibal, and Kyoto Hanamachi Trip

2015-01-01 02:44:00 | Temple visiting
A Happy New Year!
I would like to inform visiting New year Toka-Ebisu Festibal, and Kyoto Hanamachi walking trip.

I ride subway to Sanjyo-Keihan, get off this station, go south.
Walk Shinbashi street, arrive at Tatsumi shrine.

Tatsumi shrine is the symbol for Gion people, and Maiko woman, Geisha woman.
Couple are taking pictures at this area.
Wearing Kimono is suiting at this area.

I go to Shijyo street, enter HanamiKoji street.
HanamiKoji street is stone pavement, and the main street of Hanamachi Gion town.
This street has many Ryotei, old expensive Japanese restaurant.
This street has Edo period feeling.
Koji meaning narrow street, but this street is not narrow.

I turn left at middle of HanamiKoji street, then find GionKobu-Kabukirenjyo.
I find Sutoku Tenno grave.
This grave is not big, but keeping beautifully.
Sutoku Tenno is a Emperor at end of Heian period.

Kabukirenjyo is covered with high wall, we can not see overall house.

Next is Kenninji temple.

This temple has a big feeld.
I get out this temple at south gate.
I walk north, soon find Ebisu shrine.

Ebisu shrine is a guardian temple for Kenninji temple.

Ebisu shrine has Ebisu statue.
Torii has also Ebisu face.

This shrine has Tenmangu Shriner.

This shrine holds Ebisu Festibal at Jan 8 to 12.
Schedule is as follows.

1/8 ShoFuku Festibal
9:00 Opening
10:00 Hokei Kago parade
14:00 Yudate Shinji
14:30 Making Rice cake
23:00 Closing
1/9 Eve Festibal
9:00 Opening
9:00 ShoFuku Tuna
10:00 Hokei Kago parade
14:00 Festival starts
This day has no gate closing. Opening for all night.
1/10 Main Festibal 
11:00-12:00 Selling Fuku bamboo grass by movie actresses.
13:00-14:00 Selling Fuku bamboo grass by movie actresses.
14:00 Main Festibal
This day has also no gate closing.
1/11 Rest Festibal
14:00-16:00 Selling Fuku grass by Maiko.
20:00 Rest Festibal starts
20:00-22:00 Selling Fuku grass by Maiko.
24:00 Closing
1/12 TetsuFuku Festibal
9:00 Openining
20:00 Festibal starts
22:00 Finish Festibal

Main Festibal and Hokei Kago parade are famous.

Hokei Kago parade: 2 Kagos are arriving at this shrine at 10:00.
Geisha woman is riding in this Kago.

Fuku bamboo grass is 3000yen, expensive.

I recommend to visit this Festibal at 1/9 and 1/10.

West street of this shrine is Miyagawa street,Miyagawa is also Hanamachi.
This street has stone pavement and beautiful.

Please visit Ebisu Festibal.

That's it.

