Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Jinushi Shrine Momiji Festival

2022-11-03 14:22:36 | Festival

I would like to inform the Momiji Festival at Jinushi Shrine.

Take city bus 86, 206, 100 from Kyoto station and get off at "Gojozaka" bus stop, then walk for 10 minutes.

The Momiji Festival is held every year from 14:00 on November 23rd.

An admission fee of ¥400 is required to enter Kiyomizu-dera Temple.

After that, we move to the worship hall, where the shrine maiden holding the maple leaves

of Mt. Horai, which is famous for its autumn foliage, gives thanks to the gods and

performs Kagura and Momiji no Mai.

Sword dance and fan dance are also dedicated.

After the Kagura dedication, a Shinto ritual called Ohitaki is performed in front of 

Okage Daimyojin to pray for health and recovery from illness.

Enjoy the festival while admiring the maple leaves.

That's it.

