Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine and climbing Mt.Inari

2017-01-02 22:09:09 | shrine trip
I would like to inform visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine and climbing Mt.Inari.

Visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine by Keihan train or JR train.
I get off at Fushimi Inari or Inari station

Walk East about 5 minutes, I arrive ar Fushimi Inari Taisha entrance gate.

Many worshipers are visiting this shrine.
I pray at main shrine.

I climb stone steps at starting point of SenbonTorii.

Starting area of SenbonTorii is tall SenbonTorii.

Warking for a while, divided SenbonTorii is seen.

Traffic on the right is drawn on the Bulletin board.
I go to right side.

Soon I arrive at Okusha Shrine.
There is Omokaru-stone, trying to lift up this stone is famouse.

Many worshipers are waiting to lift up this stone.
When you lift up this stone, the weight is lighter than thinking yourself, your wish will be done.
Many worshipers's the results is heavier than their thnking, their wish will not be done.

Many worshipers do not try to climb Mt.Inari.
But today, there are many worshipers are climbing this mountain.

I climb this mountains.

20minutes climbing, I arrive at Kumataka shrine.

Walking forward, I arrive at Mitsuji.
I go to left side road.

Walking 10 minutes, there is Omokaru-Stone.

I try to lift up this stone.
The weight is lighter than my thinking.
Please try this Omokaru-Stone.
I go to Mizuko-Kannon, see Lower bound.

I return to Mitsuji.
Turn right side.

Climbing for a while, I arrive at Yotsuji.

Yotsuji has resting benches, and wonderful lower bound view.
Please take a picture.

I go to Arakami Mine, and go forword, park is seen.

This park has three poles, and wonderful lower bound view.

Some climbers are resting this park.

I return to Yotsuji, go to the mountain peak.
I see Osugi shrine, Ganriki shrine.
Ganriki shrine has a jumping fox gets a bamboo.

The cleansed water comes out from the tip of this fox's bamboo.

Soon arrive at Gozen valley.

This point has toilet.
Please use this toilet.

From this point, 2ways are existing.
Right way is short Cource for going to mountain peak.

I select right way.
I walk road shop and up-down road.
Arrive at Choujya shrine and Goken shrine.

I climb forward, Ichino-mine(Suehiro shrine) is seen.

Many worshipers are waiting for praying this shrine in a row.
I line up in a row.

This is a mountain peak, but we cannot see a lower bound view.
I pray this shrine.

From this shrine, the road is downhill.

I go to Nino-mine, Sanno-mine.

1 return to Yotsuji.

Praying Inari Taisha shrine is only 1 hour.
Invoving climbing Mt.Inari needs 3 hours.
Climbing Mt.Inari can see many Toriis and feel a god's atmosphere same as Mt.Kurama.

Please enjoy visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine, and climbing Mt.Inari.

That's it.

