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Kyoto Tanukidaniyama Fudo-in Temple:the New year Goma-Kito praying

2017-12-26 18:36:39 | Temple visiting
Kyoto Tanukidaniyama Fudo-in Temple:the New year Goma-Kito praying

I would like to introduce the Hatsumode-Goma Buddhist prayer festival of the Tanukidaniyama Fudo-in temple, which is held from early morning on New Year's Day.

From Kyoto Station, I ride a five route bus and get off at "IchiJoji Temple Down to matsucho"
I pay the entrance fee ¥ 500, and when I go up the stone steps I will arrive at the main temple in about 10 minutes.

250 stone steps are pretty tough, so please prepare for climbing.
On the way, Kobodaishi's "Pick up Ambassador" will welcome you.

You can overlook the Kyoto basin from the main hall.

"Hinode Big Goma-Hoyo" will be held seriously from 7am on New Year's Day.
After that, New Year 's first pray are held every 30 minutes at Tanukiyama Fudomyo-King.

From the 8 AM to 5 PM of the New Year's three days, we can wish a stable year as Buddhist prayers.

It is a bit far from Kyoto station, but why not try going to a strict Goma prayer that is different from the ordinary New year’s pray.

That’s it.

