Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Trip over the village of the mandarin duck, and Damine Castle sign

2019-02-07 13:45:52 | nature observation
I would like to inform the village of the mandarin duck", and "Damine Castle" that are Shitara-town, Kitashitara-gun of East Aichi pref.

To go to these area by car is convenient, because these area are in the mountains in northern Shinshiro-shi, Aichi.

It is arrival through National highway routes. 257 from Nagoya for approximately one and a half hours.
This village protect a mandarin duck for a long time, so several hundred mandarin ducks inhabit every year from late fall to the beginning of March.
A colorful mandarin duck is famous, but this is a male adult bird.
Female bird, the male young bird are brown quiet colors.

The village of the mandarin duck is the road along Kamusagawa river that is upper river of Toyokawa river.

Observing the mandarin duck is from an exclusive observation hut.
The entrance receptionist of the hut is from 8:00 to 16:00.

With the camera turning off a flash bulb; is photographed.
The rate is 300 yen per one car. When using the tripod of the camera, +200 yen is necessary.
A blue plastic sheet is put on the hut, and observing a mandarin duck from a window opened on a blue seat of the river side.
Observers should be quiet and wait for the coming flying of the mandarin duck, because the mandarin duck is strong in wariness.

At the day when rain and strong wind, we cannot see the mandarin duck.

When we can watch the male of the mandarin duck of the guide, we are impressed the vivid beautifulness of the feather.

We can see Mandarin ducks and Mallards etc.
At Saturday and Sunday, Observation hut is crowded with many people.

There is a mandarin duck museum near an observation hut.
It shows the photographs of the mandarin ducks.

Observing mandarin ducks is available from November to the beginning of March.

Next I go to the Damine castle sign.
This castle is a small castle of Suganuma clan constructed in 1470.

The Honmaru palace castle, Ote-mon Gate, Carame-mon gate are restored in 1994.
Entrance charge is 210 yen.
We can image the age of civil war at this place.
This castle is small,but having Honmaru palace, so we can taste the atmosphere that timeslipped to the age of civil war.
In the Honmaru palace, armors are displayed.

Please observe the beauty of the mandarin duck, and taste the atmosphere of the age of civil war.

that’s it.

