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Walking around Nada Sake's Nishinomiya Township

2017-10-15 15:29:24 | Liquor trip
I would like to inform Sake Kura in Hyogo prefecture.
There are five Kura ereas of 'Nada Sake', this time I shows 'Nishinomiya Town' located on the east side of it.

Take the Hanshin train from Kobe or Osaka, get off at Nishinomiya station.
From Hanshin Nishinomiya station, go south, and go through the Hanshin Expressway,
there is Nishinomiya Town.

As you go east of Route 43, a stone monument 'Birthplace of Miya water' is seen. About 10 minutes on foot from Nishinomiya station.

There is 'Miya water' discovered here during the Edo era, and Sake breweries squeeze this water and make 'Nada no sake'.

From here go east is 'Miya Water Garden'.

Since there is a fence here and it is not open, we look at the garden over the fence.
The wells of Ozeki, Hakushika, Shirataka are under the hemispherical covering made of stainless steel.
Around here, there is a Miyamizu well such as KikuMasamune.

Returning to the west from here, heading to Hakutaka head office.

Hakutaka was founded in 1862 in the Edo Period, and manufactures Ise Shrine 's sake and high class sake.

On the south side of this company is Hakutaka Rokusuien.

Hakutaka RokusuienShirataka is holding an exhibition about sake making and liquor life at sake brewery.
In the building which reproduced the residence of the brewery of Hakutaka, selling Hakutaka's Sake, providing lifestyle and culture of Nada's brewery and restaurant.

Restaurant Tokyo Chikuyotei offers eel dish and Sake.

Especially, reservation is necessary on Saturdays and Sundays dinner.

Nishinomiya Township is near Osaka and Kobe, and enjoy the Japanese sake culture that continues from the Edo period.

That's it.

